Saturday, July 27, 2013

How to increase your income can improve your financial outlook

Extra Income
The lack of jobs and hiring new employees, many have resorted to an additional income to pay additional fees or require additional odd jobs around their main source of income. I noticed when driving my destination food, there was a man sitting in the parking lot of a large grocery chain with a for sale sign on bottled water for a dollar. He needs the extra income to buy diapers and pay rent. I thought it was a desperate attempt to draw in additional funds, but very creative. Instead of begging for money, he was using his water bottle odd job require additional income. I was so impressed by his determination and creativity that I have to buy two bottles of water and gave him a tip. The money I had given him before he was to go to the grocery store and buy diapers and probably had some cash set aside to help with the cost of renting.
I thought about some options that I and others could complete our income to offset the high price of gas, food, and the various elements that are necessary for everyday life. The options are listed below:

Working from home (Internet)
Plan a garage sale to sell old clothes or open a consignment for others to buy clothes that you no longer need
Turning a hobby into a profitable extra income (eg knitting is a hobby, but if you can make items such as hats, gloves, scarves and people may be interested in purchasing these items.
Get a part time job
Perform odd jobs such as lawn mowing, snow removal and landscaping
Child care can lead to start your own at home, licensed day care or forming a front and a monitoring program for elementary students.
Additional employment flexibility and additional funds to support yourself while actively seeking a full-time job or it can develop into a self supporting business. I think most peoplewith lot of hard work and determination can be complementary to odd jobs in an entrepreneurial opportunity with the loss of traditional jobs are available and desired. I think the challenge is to develop a product or service that people are interested in the purchase to become profitable.

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