Monday, August 12, 2013

Exchanges of backlinks : gain visibility!

 The best solution is to create original content, interesting, that other sites will want to take absolutely making a link to your site. Easier said than done, but ideal, since it earns you a backlink link to your content, one-way (no link back!). But how do you get links to your site, in addition to those generated by the quality of your pages?

This is where the system link exchanges. These exchanges are already practicing on the web, with more or less effective methods: in fact, many sites offer you to appear on a page chock full partners, or in the footer of the site, from a score of other links. Some even put up automated scripts: placing their tag, you get yours, and you appear immediately on a dedicated link exchange page. If all these methods work in absolute terms, they are absolutely not guarantee effectiveness vis-à-vis the engines! Google, among other things, gives little (or not ...) weight to such links, and even he punishes link farms and sites that appear!

The real solution is both more consistent and more importantly, effective guarantee! Exchanges of backlinks should be OTC between webmasters aware that a good net-linking (external links that point to your pages) is the crux of their SEO and their positioning in the search engines. Broadly, there are two types of link exchanges:
- Link / backlink (the site has a link to site B, which is a link to the Site)
- 3-way (three-way): the site has a link to site B that links to site C which is a link to the Site

The first form can be effective, provided that it is a rational exchange: an anchor (the text that serves as a link) Runs the corresponding keywords to the content of the page, a link on a page indexed, preferably in the content of the site, not in a list of "recommended sites."

The second form of exchange is far better! In fact, with this system are one-way links you will get, since the backlink is to another site. Search engines, especially Google, are very appreciative of this kind of relationship, because they are evidence of your expertise in your field. Of course, it is not easy to develop such partnerships, and it is to help in the sense that the site posted a few days ago, a new forum, as Square exchange market of Backlinks, allowing webmasters to get directly in touch with their partners netlinking.

One last tip to manage your policy netlinking:
- Vary your anchor (not always the same keywords)
- Do not direct all your links to your home page: referencing the internal pages of your site!
- Share your links pages indexed, preferably with an existing Google PR
- Flee trade with construction sites, unindexed, poor content
- Observe the partnerships: do not change the links from your partners
- Regularly check that your links are still in place in your partners.

The great secret of success on the internet ...

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 All French marketing techniques come from the United States. 10 years ago that Americans apply what we use today.

But now you want to know what will be tomorrow's Internet in France and you want to be "the last wheel of the car?"

I will reveal an important info that you'll wonder how your business will survive.
Americans expect the decline in sales pages here shortly. They are nearing retirement, breathless.
How do you bounce back if you are the last to be sold with a miserable web page that nobody reads?
It is time for you to make the transition smoothly. Start changing your sales pages to the U.S.. And anticipate what will be the internet of "tomorrow."

Here are the questions you need to ask?

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- At what amount should we create a long sales page?
- How to grow a prospect to click "Buy Now"?
- Why Are people skeptical about the evidence and how to increase their credibility?
- Technical No. 1 to bring thousands of subscribers to your list. Long before Google adword?
- How to generate thousands of subscribers to your newsletter without using internet (offline)?

And many other questions .........

What to do for your interest is appreciated by search engines?

 In general, for a balanced SEO, one third of visitors come from Internet research on (the largest in France) style engines Google. For these engines you bring visitors to you rather than another site on the same research, it is necessary to implement some tricks, often common sense.

First, there must be a machine can guess the subject of your web page. For this, some choice words related to your topic to appear on your pages in your titles. For example, if you offer to host people, be sure to use typical words such as guest house, hotel, sleep, stay, overnight, overnight, etc.. These words will help engines classify your website to send the right visitors. Of course, for this technique to be effective, it is necessary that these words may be legible for the machines.

Avoid sites so entirely FLASH technology, which although very tap to the eye, are poorly known at present by the search engine robots. The words must be placed in the headlines of your pages, and also in the body of the text. Engines can not read images, so far, so your pages should contain text if you seriously decrease your chances of getting visitors through search engines. No need to be a writer, a simple sentence such as this one will do "for your weekend in our tourist region, have a nice night in our hotel near ...". Try to place the typical and words indicating the place or the surrounding area for more visitors to move up words.

There are other points that you need to be careful. For example, make sure that the titles of all your pages are all different from each other in order to increase your chances of spontaneously attract visitors from all horizons. Also treat the description tags of your pages because they are often used by search engines to describe your pages to the user. These descriptions are to inspire potential visitors to choose your site over another in the list of search engine results. Do a little research competition pretending to get yourself a hotel or what do I know, camping, to find out how you stand in relation to others.

Think to optimize each page as if a visitor would find your site through this place. It should immediately know no matter by what page it happens, what you offer, what site it came. You should know that visitors from search engines rarely come from the home page so do not waste your time on it and think to make every page of your website clear and attractive while targeting by the words of people from different backgrounds. Example, have a page about hiking near your hotel, for outdoor sports, one for the local cuisine, one for culture and museums, etc.. So your chances are greatest that you found, or even to talk to you. This will help you find more partnerships with other tourist sites that have an interest in what you were quoting and do not fear your competition by quoting back.

How to build credibility for your online sales site

You've just finished writing and finishing your ebook. For months, you've sweated blood to write this little masterpiece that you disclose a wealth of valuable information about your area.
You ever thought about all the points of your business strategy: you set the price (or you already have an idea), you see in your head how will be your site, its design, text it contains, you know how will your job you know what payment you adopt.
Perhaps you may even already have all this in place, your programmer or webmaster has also worked hard day and night as you prepare for this. Unless it is still you who has put both the mill and furnaces.
That is, your product is fantastic, your site, your offer, your order process and payment ready.
But there is a catch ...
First, no one yet knows you and nobody knows as your expert skills in carpentry that you disclose in your ebook superbly titled "How to create your own furniture in 3 days for a budget of less than $ 50" .
And then you realize that the Internet is full of scammers, false promises, products "ghosts" and "cans" of any kind of products that are never delivered after ordering, hacks and fraud of any kind on credit cards.
You know more than anyone that people are still wary, especially when it comes to hand to the purse. You almost regret not being able to print your ebook and sell it in bookstores, so you are sure it will be successful.
But wait! All is not lost however (and nothing is ever lost, you can still have the success you deserve!).
Things to do to be credible on the Internet:
- Put your name and phone number on your website sales, picture also has a good effect. Encourage even your visitors you call for any inquiry. Live chat also gives good results (but you will agree with me that you will not always be available to chat).
- Obviously, you do not have testimonials, but why you have to wait to have? request them!
Look for a well-known personality in your field. Ask him to give an opinion on your product, and of course, you have to give him something in return. Try to establish a "win-win".
- Why not offer your product for free to a few selected people exchange their stories? This is an excellent and appointment service!
- Provide evidence of your website. Evidence, evidence! Your visitors do it to differentiate the good from the bad. Look what you can put as evidence of the reasonableness and fairness of your business, make your imagination.
If you sell an ebook, you can offer a free download the summary or the first chapter. If you sell physical products, offer to send free samples. If you sell a great software, offer or download a demo version with limited functionality.
Well, I do not think these issues are the only ones, but already, your business must be viable.
And do not forget to offer guarantees to your visitors trust. Everything must be implemented together to bring good results!

Develop blogs

I hesitated to deal with this because I expect to know a sufficiently interesting way that revenues really are worth the shot.

This is my friend, the great Serge Deden, gave me a tip smarter to create a recurrence of clicks on banners, banners and other advertising links (either the actual pub or the Affiliate elsewhere). With his permission, I'll explain the routine.
Reflection it takes to live the advertising is as follows:

"How can I generate enough traffic to my blog and enough enthusiasm to my subject so that both the surfers stay long online and click on the banner? "Good question, is not it? The simple answer is (again) the video.

By creating a blog on a popular theme, make sure the interests of Internet users who follow your link need or want and not by chance.

By creating a blog that hosts videos that links picks on Youtube, you can be sure that the surfer arrives to your blog will stay a while.

The correlation between the subject and the video provides you a huge traffic and a rate of almost zero bounce.
To this you add interesting advertising links, related videos and voila.
Ah ... I see that do not understand the trick.

In other words, you create a blog on a popular theme, something that people like, or look familiar. Serge Deden cite an obvious example: Love, torque, drag, the lives of two ... what's most popular and sought?

Serge then assumes videos related to the theme and it is sure that Internet users will click, for example: "A guy / a girl." These videos can be accessed by dozens of YouTube or Dailymotion.
(Nothing on the first two points, Serge deserves that we would all burn a candle in his honor for much intelligence, I exult anything that you speak)

Every two or three movies, but also in the columns of the blog, Serge recommend putting Adsens links, banners, banners, in relation to the theme and videos. You can put for example: ebook to learn flirt, how to write a love letter, win back his ex, and others. Put as headbands to romantic restaus, gifts jewelry type to other products that enhance the performance ... love These links can come from membership (higher pay) or the advertisements you open the space to advertisers flow.
This theme is obviously not the only one. Simply dig a little to find many more. The important thing is to ask three basic questions:
- What are the popular themes?
- What are the videos that Internet users will click?
- What are the links that interest to Internet users?

Example theme: Sport. Anything with it you can create blogs with a shovel (one for each sport or one per niche category Extreme Sports, Gods balloon ...) with video highlights (goals in football, basketball baskets memorable , spectacular ski jumps ...) and back, put links to products dvd, rent winter sports, video games ...

You can also cope with videos that are sure to blow clicked: Advertisements world, Charm, Bloopers, Mini series such as "Bud," "A guy A Girl", "Samantha Oups" Highlights emission type "Everyone talks about" zapping of all kinds and on all topics.

A good theme + The best video + good links = A sufficient traffic to generate profitable clicks hundreds.

Once you have created one, create another, then a third ... etc..
A month? A week? One every two days?
It is up to you.

Good success to you.

Discover how to increase your online profits without having more traffic

The major part of those who engage in the sale, including ebooks on the Internet do not or little profit in the long term.

However, they embark in the belief that they will succeed in putting the odds on their side, learning a maximum of thing in a minimum of time.

But soon, the web marketers realize that it is not as easy to make gains in the long term. Sell ​​some ebooks, over a short period, because of the novelty of the product, is quite common.

When is it the loyalty of customers, raises prospects, selling Backend?

Few marketers are driven to these forms of direct marketing, which makes it possible to build a relationship of trust with the client, its prospect and generate significant substantial income.

And yet, even with a good SEO, done properly, will bring you a steady traffic, but few sales to the flow generated, whether with known search engines or directories partners and qualities.

Quickly discouraged, these marketers will abandon any hope of success, and think it does not work. This is partly true. To them, it did not work.

Why? Because they do not know the real tricks to build a real business.

Discover all the tricks of these techniques in a single volume is quite possible.

But it is likely that people can, or professional individuals had access to this information because the gurus of Internet sales keep out their secrets, their techniques, tips, and generally do not share that very brief information.

Get great information, great qualities falls sometimes long hours of research on the web, without knowing whether the information is actually quality.

It will take tests, tests to determine, for yourself, the value of the information collected on the Internet. The success rate is minimal.

Look no further, we discovered the book that includes this information, qualities in the field of marketing: increase profits without increasing traffic to its site.

This information will show you the techniques to be used to sell again and again, your customers, build loyalty, and even they are going to promote your products, e-book to their friends.

The SEO will bring its daily flow of new prospects in the long term, but your sales do not take off either. You must learn and know the technical backend to sit your business on the Internet.

Without it, it is doomed to failure.

Thus, you will establish a relationship of trust, as a first step, but also gain some notoriety. This will make your reputation and your customers will be your own advertising, as your products, information, have made their satisfaction.

But that's not all! The key is to know these techniques in order to develop your business in the long term, for a long time.

How to avoid paying too much for designing a website

Normally, if you want to acquire the services of a professional webmaster to build your site, you must be willing him paid a few hundred dollars. All this can change if you know where to find the best deals, the best "design" at the lowest price.
Here's a rough guide:

First, you must understand that all design companies have their website marketing techniques to get you to take to design your website. Have you ever seen those advertisements in newspaper classified ads section offers a 5 page website at $ 500? These companies are companies with physical locations, therefore they have to increase the amount they charge to pay off some overheads: office rent, designer's wages, advertising costs and so on.

Therefore, it would be wise to find freelance designers who work from home. These people are often working from home so they have no high operation such as a business expense. On the other hand, they will be able to design images that match those of our corporate designers, so this seems an informed choice.

However, choose a freelancer carefully. The best way to go would require Here you can send a summary of your project and get thousands of independent workers who will bid on your project, so you can certainly get the best deal. In addition, you will be able to choose the designers based on their experience, past transactions and ratings, so your value for money is guaranteed.

Another route you could take is to design your website yourself. Think about it, if you only need 5 pages to present some simple information, why waste hundreds of dollars for it? Just spend a little time to sit down and do it yourself. You will be able to design your own sites even if you do not know a single line of HTML code using the WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) program such as Xsitepro, Adobe Dreamweaver and so on.

Referencement: 3 optimization techniques to position your site

SEO referencement
Referencement SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a set of optimizations for a website to appear in non-commercial results of search engines. SEO search engine is therefore to optimize the structure and content of the website on pre-defined keywords. It is then important to take particular care to the expressions used in the content of the pages, thinking about the organization and its menu items and have a clean HTML code is easily readable engine robots research.

Referencement SMO
The referencing SMO (Social Media Optimization) allows both to develop its reputation by posting content on social media sites (collaborative platforms, community sites, social networks, forums ...) and promote its natural SEO by links (backlinks). The referencing SMO has an impact on the Page Rank, the factors taken into account by search engines for natural referencing a site.

Referencement SEA
Referencement SEM (Search Engine Advertising) is independent of SEO.It is  to appear in search engines, sponsored links in return for payment. SEA search engine works via an auction system more I set a high bid on a keyword, the better I'll be positioned on that keyword.

Why corrective and preventive actions are needed in business?

In the current environment, more and more regulated, the factor Hygiene, Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) is critical to the daily operations of contamination control business. Due to the number of regulations imposed by government agencies (21 CFR CFR 25-40, and ISO 14001), monitoring of issues and actions HSSE, although more complex, is essential.

To date, the process most commonly used and most effective way to ensure the safety and quality management departments of contamination control is a corrective and preventive action system (Corrective Action and Preventive Action CAPA) in closed loop. Proper management of corrective and preventive actions to quickly and efficiently deal with any problems control unexpected contamination during the manufacturing process, the process used to ensure that these problems do not recur. This allows companies to anticipate possible problems with regulators and save a lot of time and resources which may impact on the ability to generate profits from clean manufacturing.

The concept of management of corrective and preventive actions is probably not new to most professionals contamination control. This concept has existed for several years in various forms among manufacturers, is generally regarded as an effective way to manage quality problems occurring during the manufacturing process.

But in reality, few enterprises have adopted a management process corrective and preventive action effective closed loop, and very few have implemented a system for managing quality processes in place to monitor and report problems with corrective and preventive actions. In fact, many of them still use rudimentary tools such as spreadsheets, databases and paper documents to track problems encountered and the measures taken in respect of corrective and preventive actions. Why are companies so if they reluctant to adopt effective management of corrective and preventive actions, and why those who have done so are they behind the methods used? More importantly, what should be done to ensure that companies are realizing that the management of corrective and preventive action does not necessarily require much time and resources as they think?

In this paper, we study the need for and effectiveness of a proper control of corrective and preventive as well as how to implement an effective action, and we will determine why corrective and preventive actions are still important.

The issue at hand

Although the needs of professionals and departments contamination control may vary depending on the industry (pharmaceuticals, semiconductor and food), the goal of most of these departments is often the same: to produce and deliver products as efficiently as possible and with the least adverse impact on the production environment. In other words, whatever the sector, professionals must always maintain a production environment free of pollutants, contaminants or potentially harmful impurities that can make a defective or dangerous product (in the case of food and pharmaceutical products).

This challenge becomes even more difficult when government regulations are introduced. Knowing that new lawsuits make headlines almost daily and that the survival of companies depends on their ability to maintain an environment free of contamination, the presence of a process of effective quality management in the production environment takes on a new importance. Minimize risk and comply with regulations while maintaining an efficient and profitable business is a balance that companies constantly seek to achieve, and many succeed.

However, despite all efforts to implement processes and systems to control the production environment, it is absolutely impossible to prevent any incident. When these incidents do occur, businesses must be prepared to manage them as quickly as possible.

It was at this time that the management of corrective and preventive action comes into play, appearing as an essential process to solve the problems associated with the contamination of the production environment. Theoretically, the management of corrective and preventive actions should be at the heart of initiatives quality management because it would allow companies to record the events and issues, to examine and determine the cause, propose action plans corrective and preventive measures to ensure that these problems are anticipated and will happen again, and finally, to measure their effectiveness to ensure that the problem has been eliminated. This kind of system usually requires an approach that includes a business intelligence system that allows to track all of the above problems and to provide an effective treatment.

Why companies are they are more likely to adopt?

Among the executives, the myth is that the management of corrective and preventive action is a waste of time and resources for the company. Ultimately, many companies never reach the stage of implementation of effective corrective actions, let alone preventive actions to ensure that similar problems do not recur. These companies are doing so because when a pollutant or contaminant entering the manufacturing process, they go directly into "panic mode" and are eager to find a temporary solution rather than a preventive solution to any future incidents . It is only once the contaminated product is shipped the problem is discussed as it should be to identify the cause. Play Inspector finished work is too widespread.

The irony is that companies fail to implement appropriate corrective and preventive action process is that when the management of corrective and preventive actions and working properly as originally planned, it can actually allow companies to save time and resources if they are reluctant to devote to implement. Ideally, a corrective and preventive action system operates as intended should reduce costs by consolidating redundant systems, improving collaboration between departments and increasing savings for the implementation process. It eliminates the costly recurring problems in accelerating the discovery of the source of incidents and eliminates the risk of data loss by managing electronically and securely, all the information necessary to meet the industry standards.

This is the promise that many companies have not managed to hold out until then. The next step is to determine how to properly implement a corrective and preventive for the results of actions system.

React with corrective and preventive actions

When management system corrective and preventive action in closed loop is implemented in an environment of contamination control, it is essential to keep in mind that it is not a miracle cure to treat all the ills of the company's regulations. At best, the proper management of corrective and preventive actions can reduce the costs associated with quality initiatives within other organizational departments. But, as we have seen, corrective and preventive actions can contribute significantly to the taking of measures to enhance the effectiveness of future efforts in terms of quality.

The first step is to check your system for corrective and preventive action is centralized and managed in one place, thereby enhancing operations and eliminating duplication between departments. Centralized system that is based in a corporate office or headquarters, does manage corrective and preventive actions from this unique avoids confusion incident and reduces the cacophony and avalanche e-mails sent between departments, each claiming to know the origin of the problem and pretending to know how to solve.

The next step is to build an effective system to monitor all incidents and events. Electronic imperative, it must be based on a centralized accessible to smaller number of people in the company to avoid confusion between departments system. Some companies use databases or spreadsheets such as system monitoring, while others still manually record the problems on paper documents. At a time when technologically advanced where you can easily get the new electronic management solutions quality from various vendors, this should no longer exist. Centralized systems of quality management for monitoring incidents should be the de facto solution adopted by any company, regardless of its size.

Whatever system is in place, the implementation of a centralized system of quality management enables organizations to record and manage all incidents and problems they have encountered. They can thus solve problems, determine the causes and take the necessary measures to prevent their recurrence, according to the goals they have set.

Once the foundations are laid for management of corrective and preventive actions through a centralized electronic system for tracking incidents, the company is ready to deal effectively with incidents, the real work of solving unexpected problems can begin. This is in the form of a corrective action. In other words, these are the steps to follow when the incident occurs. For this, the company must be able to stop the errors faster and more efficiently than previous processes. Moreover, the incidents must be reported with minimal hesitation, to minimize response time.

Once again, an electronic quality management is the only way to effectively report incidents which, ultimately, allows the company to get faster answers and solve the problems of contamination occur during the production process. This also assumes that transmission procedures are applied so that the persons concerned are informed of the incident and that these cases do not ébruitent is more than necessary. Companies should definitely take the time to develop a procedure for efficient transmission that incorporates quality management while providing a transmission path that does not involve employees.
The proposal can be tricky. If procedures are manual transmission and if the people involved do not pay attention to people informed and processes used, the problems can be even more important. This is why we must resolve internally, before they "through the door" and tarnish the reputation of the brand. It is surprising how easily the problems may go unnoticed by the current "clean" manufacturers who do a lot more work with less people. To summarize, the quality can easily be relegated to the background in favor of production and profits. However, it is essential that companies include the transmission procedures in their plans for corrective and preventive actions, and that in order to achieve a balance between income and quality commitment.
Once an effective corrective action is taken and the problem is treated, preventive action can begin. The major components of preventive action is the investigation and analysis of the origin, which can be, once again, achieved through the quality management. Transparency must be ensured by the parties responsible for investigating the instigator of the problem of contamination control, and these parts must meet strict deadlines to find out what caused the problem, otherwise it is possible that the appropriate solution never be found.

A system of quality management can automate this process and alert managers on deadlines and ongoing investigations, providing increased visibility for executives and provides transparency between departments. In addition, quality management can be an effective way to monitor and determine the progress of the analysis of the origin of a problem so that deadlines are met and that the achievement of results is effective and correct.

The last part of the corrective and preventive action process in a closed loop through the contamination control is monitoring the effectiveness of controls, which is the measure of the effectiveness of preventive solution after implementation. When these controls are streamlined and monitored effectively, appropriate staff is responsible for assessing the success of preventive action and to determine the effectiveness of the solution. This allows you to "close the loop" of the corrective and preventive action process and provide managers with the tools they need to ensure compliance with the standards of regulatory authorities, while anticipating and preventing potential problems arising from these authorities.

Not perfect, but good

Even when the corrective and preventive actions are properly managed within a company, it does not allow it to cure all ills for compliance or to provide complete protection against possible incidents. It is in the order of things. Pollutants will always have an impact on the process of cleaner production and give headaches to companies of all sizes in regard to compliance.

However, from the available to effectively deal with emergencies related to contamination systems, it has been shown repeatedly that the management of corrective and preventive action was the most effective system to prevent problems from happening again, requiring a minimum time and resources that businesses generally as a barrier to profitability. Successfully implement a system for managing corrective and preventive actions in the context of a comprehensive initiative to quality management can reduce costs and resources, and provide businesses with the tools they need to anticipate emergencies and continue to grow in the years to come.